You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. - Maya Angelou You can reduce down to make me minizied but still I rise No one ever wants to sympathize nor realize that I'm more than you think I am filp the table that's what they want to see me do They turn my history sour with the bitter false claimed lies but still I rise Walk over me Spit on me Piss on me like the ground thats under their feet. So your just gonna let them do this ? Who gonna tell them to stop ? NO ONE I GUESS NO SOMEONE WILL! WHO ? ME! I WILL! Walk out into the street and they already pouring bullets at a NEGRO feet everyone of them hit me but they won't see me bleed I will stand there and recieve while my mother is looking down from heaven to see her baby get shot the one she conceived
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