Walter the rat part two
The Rat
Walter and his rats hanging down on the Rio Wall .
They aren’t worried about much .
There’s not a long way for them to fall .
Buying beer for the teens , selling weed and some cocaine .
There’s a burned out restaurant in case it decides to rain .
Hey it’s a rough life just working on your tan .
It’s pretty simple just keep some gas in the van .
Maybe steal a tape deck ... the tourist didn’t lock the car .
He knows every girl at the Seabreeze ... never drops a penny at the bar .
Pickled eggs and pigs feet mixed with whiskey neat.
It’s a good gig as long as he stays discrete .
He’s a legend and a loser a coked out boozer .
Looks like Jesus in the eyes .
If you believe that you’re in for a surprise .
All the Cops and good kids know ... There’s a class of stoner who follows where he goes .
No one knows where he came from .... He was just there one day .
Dirty Levi’s Cords and faded flannel shirts .
Everything is bleached but that can’t hide the dirt .
He kind of looks like Charles when the Coke shows in his eyes .
It’s kind of scary , he makes a lot of teeny girls sigh .
He looks to be thirty but no one knows .
The sun beats down and you just can’t tell .
One day it’s gonna catch up still he won’t tell .
He’s the mysterious man from hell .
Jake’s Walters newest protege ...15 and out of school sells weed for Walter everyday .
He’s big balling on a sweet enduro bike .
The cops can’t catch him but then again they really don’t seem to care .
Jakes mom Georgina a budge bunny at the Seabreeze gets him cut some slack .
Surfing and selling a little weed . Patti Barto finishes off his needs .
It’s alright for 15 by 16 he’ll be pounding nails .
The boys might take it out on the tourists but they watch out for their selves .
Patti was a fast girl ... a woman by age 13 .. really really ... as pretty as you’ve seen . The thing is Walter passed her down to Jake . It was maybe a great present but a hellish moral mistake .
I never knew it at the time and am still not sure what I could or would’ve done .
Peer pressure is a deadly nasty gun .
30 years later Patti is in service to the lord . A Facebook find ... she moved on out of town . She’s up with the redwoods but I hear Walters still around .
I guess that he was brought down for statutory rape and did a stretch of time .
He got out and moved into the hills . He’s a reverend or prophet now ... some holy church of weed . Confused rich kids are all he’ll ever need .