A simple and clean sheet of white
Pressed and ironed into crisp angles
That Man kept the sheet
Innocent and tethered
In His pocket for 16 seasons
Threadbare and torn, this fragile paper was
That Man became repulsed by his creation
And discarded the adulterated scrap
A simple and clean sheet of white
Untouched by tainted hands
Witnessed this poor mutilated piece
Trying to press and iron
Herself into the immaculate being
She once was
She is fragile and worn
Each tear and crinkle is a chapter
Of her saddening story
He fell in love with this tarnished yet unsullied scrap
And yearned to join her in this cruel yet beautiful world
He wanted to mend her tears
To erase her defects
It was a nice mix of her admirable Tenacity
The sin of Innocence
The permanent destruction of His Mutilation
Her simple Complexity
And traces of fading scars
That made her so beautiful
To only him
The boy never learned
That we can always erase these marks
But the scars will still remain