Used to, New To
I used to think that if I sung to the rain it would go away
Ending my already bad day
Of having to stay indoors and listen to them argue
I used to think that
If a boy calls you names that means he likes you,
That when he raises his fist
He didn’t mean for his hits to hurt me
That was the only form of affection he could show
I used to think that
The furniture hated me when I stubbed my toe
That they got tired of seeing me dance around the living room
Trying to tune out all that I had been exposed too.
But now,
Now that I am 20
Now that I have grown
When I sing to the rain, I want it to stay
So I can appreciate my sunny days
Now I know
That boys degrade you
Men will praise you
Now when I dance
I move the furniture out of the way
Because the only thing, the only person that can stop me
From being great, is me.
Copyright 2019
Nairi Gilmer