True Success
People today focus on superficial interests
They have a focus telling them that
Sex is success
Wealth is success
Vanity is success
Popularity is success
It's not, Have you gotten laid this week?
It's, Did you get laid tonight?
Why?...Who cares?
That's the unfortunate part
Most people do care and that's the measure of success
What would happen if the world decided to collectively reject superficiality?
What if success was measured differently?
Loving people became successful
Being trustworthy became successful
Following your dreams became successful
Believing in something greater than oneself became successful
Having intellect and an education became successful
The world would change dramatically
Then again, to assume the world could ever change completely is irrational...right?
But what if one individual at a time chose to look at success differently?
One person at a time decided to value LOVE, RESPECT, FAITH, PURITY, and having CHARACTER
More than they ever valued SEX, WEALTH, VANITY, and POPULARITY
How would the world change then?
How would people measure success then?
Will you help everyone find out? by Shannon Hollis