Transformation Tuesday
I was raised a southern butt
To embrace the good and the rest cut
I put labels on people based on their actions
Gossiper, bully, drugee, had an abortion,
Slut, alcoholic, prideful, and a sinner
You can see why I was not exactly a friend winner.
I lost them all.
At home, I dealt with domestic violence
Which led to self image issues ever since
My mom told me I looked pregnant
Guess size 6 was too big but
Being hit was absolutely the worse
I rather desired to ride around in the back of a hearse
I felt like I had nothing at all.
I started going to church with my boyfriend
And I gained all these people that I could call "friend"
I saw the love they had for me
Was the God whom they could easily see.
I listened and later believed
And became grafted onto that Roman tree.
It is His blood that makes me flawless.
It is His blood that makes me new.
I now know there is no Catholic nor Baptist,
Gentile nor Jew,
Democrat nor Republican,
Iraqi nor American,
Red nor Brown,
Black nor white,
So although I still may struggle with sin,
I now know that He makes me flawless within.