Those people
so there she was hiding in the shadow
cowering in fear of what he would say if he found out
she was one of those people he spoke of,
one of those people he thought less of just by their attire,
one of those people who wore long sleeved shirts and flowy skirts
with a scarf wrapped tightly around their heads,
one of those people who only showed their hands and faces,
Those people
for the fear of being accepted she hid
that she was one of those people he spoke so calously of
Yes, she didn't wear a head scarf, long sleeved shirts, and flowy skirts
but those people, those people were
Her people
that li’l girl lost two things that day
Her pride and Her voice.
but the HATE he gave towards those people, her people
Gave her a new voice,
a new perspective
and a way to give back to her people
through design.