They Never See Me for ME.
They Never See Me for ME.
The only thing that they see is a sheltered girl,
Living a sheltered life.
They judge me on my parent’s parenting styles
And when their styles don’t align,
They say that I will rebel.
The only thing that they see are the rules
Keeping me in a gilded cage.
A cage made of sugar-coated words,
Where nothing can hurt me.
They see this, and they say I will rebel.
The only thing that they see are their own experiences,
And I silently seethe with rage.
They pass judgement on things that will supposedly come to pass,
And I silently hide with hurt.
Because the only thing that they see are their own experiences.
The only thing that they see are what they think that I will do
Based on what has happened to them,
And the parenting styles that have raised them.
And so I silently stand with indignation,
Because they never see me for me.
The only thing that they see now is that I don’t care,
Because they can’t see past their own selfish actions.
And now I set my stance with pride,
Because I feel that I have taught them a valuable lesson.
But then again, they might only see what they choose to see.
The only thing that I let them see
Is the silent rebuke that I place before them;
My countenance strong and stoic, because I have finally taught them that one crucial lesson
That they need to know- the one thing that they should see
When they look at me.
The only thing that they see now when they look at me
Is the strong young woman that is smarter than what they made her out to be.
Now they see that just because I am sheltered doesn’t mean I’ll rebel.
It doesn’t mean that I will let a man take advantage of my naïve heart and mind.
Because now when they look at me, they finally see me for me.