The Tall and Kind Wolf
Once upon a time, there was a wolf, tall and kind
Wanting to make things right, he made up his mind
He set off with fruits and veggies, favorites of the pigs
The first he saw, house of straw, smoking from a cig
For the first pig he saw was just as poor as he
A mutual smile, though, is what he wanted to see
But the pig grew angry and scared, fleeing his land
Only because it was touched by the wolf's dark hand
Despite his kindness and them being equally poor,
the first pig ran to knock at his brother's door
The wolf remained calm and continued on
The middle class one stood firm on his lawn
"Go back to your home!" the little pig cried
He feared the wolf's vengeance. Others had tried
For this area used to be a lot of the wolfs' homes,
but the high cost pushed them all out of the zone
The wolf put his hands up, meaning no harm,
but the pigs still saw him with great alarm
So, they pushed past him and went further to the core
Being pigs, they were welcomed into the wealthiest of doors
A mansion of bricks. Far better than sticks
It all seemed like a huge and elaborate trick
It made little sense, but the wolf had to leave
He left his gift outside and hoped for no thieves