I see the color of the sounds
As the baton mutters soft gloomy tones
My mind paints a picture of blues and greys
Colors blending and creating a scene
Rain washing away the dust on the road
I see the color of the sounds
As the drum beats crescendo
My mind paints a picture of swirling blacks and piercing white light
Colors blending and creating a scene
Lightening striking the midnight sky
I see the color of the sounds
As the trumpets erupt into a dissonant roar
My mind paints a picture of flashing yellow light
Colors blending and creating a scene
Sirens warning of incoming danger
I see the color of the sounds
As the symphony fills the hall with crashing waves of harmonious destruction
My mind paints a picture of hues spewing from all directions
Colors blending and creating a scene
Mass chaos unraveling an innocent town
I see the color of the sounds
As the conductor signals for delicacy; a single flautist eases its way through the dark textures
My mind paints a picture of each and every dye
Colors blending and creating a scene
And a rainbow brings hope to an otherwise unhopeful world