Street Surfer
The thump of my foot against the asphalt
Every other beat
Pushes me faster and faster,
Making my heart threaten to ditch my chest
The breeze runs its fingers through my hair,
Grasping and pulling at my clothes,
Begging me to stop
But I push the breezes’ cold fingers away
As I come to a slope, my heart does a jig
Just the thought of the speed gives me a smile as wide as the sun
Growing and glowing,
Until it threatens to rip at the seams
This time I spend surfing the streets,
Helps to shake off the stress building itself a house on my shoulders.
To get rid of all the sadness and madness.
It keeps me myself
Without my street surfboard
To help me through the dangerous waters of life,
I would be an empty shell.
I would be no more.