The Story of My Life
I live in a world where everybody lies
I live in a world where if you do anything you get despised
I live in a world where I do everything alone
And I've made it this far so look how fast I've grown
You would think how would I survive
But the only thing that keeps me going is my thrive
My thrive to be me
My thrive to just let loose cut free and be unique
Yes I stay to myself
And there's probably many reasons why
Maybe it's because I can't trust my own father
Maybe it's because I can't trust my own brother
Or maybe it's definetly because I can't trust my own mother
When you find out your whole families built on lies
You would probably just want to sit back amd cry
But, I just relax and pull through
Even when my whole life is pretty much screwed
See I always find my way out
Even though my heads always in the clouds
I always find my way down
And I'll probably always find my way around