In times like these
I hope and pray that you find your peace
On nights like this
I wish one day you will finally leave
In times like these
I know he will be the reason for your demise
On nights like this
I wish you would see through his lies
In times like these
I fear that you can not free your self
On nights like this
I do not know how I can help
In times like these
I can not help but think he has a gun
On nights like this
I scream and say you need to run
In times like these
I know I should have called the cops
On nights like this
I can only hear the bang from the gun shot
In times like these
your loved ones will stand over you and mourn
On nights like this
I can not help but wish I had never been born
In timese like these
I feel like we are all here because of me
On nights like this
your headstone is now all I can see