We’re not steel
We can’t be hit and not fall
We can‘t fall and not be broken
We can’t always ignore the critics that judge us at every corner
Some of us know what it’s like to be teased with no mercy
Or to walk away from something and live with that
lingering regret
To always wonder if you’re on the right path for you
But through all these I’ve found something more unbreakable yet more moldable than steel.
Willpower .
Willpower the Essence of perseverance. It’s the power to wake up each day and remember that yesterday is gone but today is a new day
That just because others hurt you doesn't mean they can stop you
That even with doubt you can still take action
That even with confusion you can still find clarity
Will is what divides the conquerors from the fallen
The champions from the defeated
The success stories from the could’ve been
Because in the end it doesn't matter where you came from or what your name is. All that matters is did you have the will to make it.