Sperm Donors
Daddy’s an asshole
Momma’s a bitch
Don’t dare complain
Afraid of that switch .
Can’t help dreaming
Praying one day
Break out of there
Break out to stay
What are we to do ?
It’s such a bitches brew?
Always tired , never new .
Can’t drive a car with no permit .
Fornicate and make a life .
No license for the ultimate sin.
Free to try again and again .
The little ones can not win .
Don’t try and stop this short .
You aren’t in my cohort.
Societal genital warts .
That includes worthless men .
Welfare babies and crack pipes .
There are no Facebook likes .
Well , who’d advertise that shit?
Horny dogs refuse to quit .
Maybe sterilize some people .
Not saying woman or man .
Don’t pretend you don’t understand .
Be a woman or a man .
Be a poet or a pauper .
A lounge singer or a rocker.
Sell insurance a door knocker .
Rich man beggar man thief .
Not a chance in hell ... that’s my belief .
It’s gone too far .
I’ve induced grief .
Gonna go and start tomorrow .
Too heavy , too much sorrow .