Societal Overdose
Growing up can be something to get accustomed to
You don’t know who you are just yet
You try to find the real you
Through this process you meet friends that might help you, as well as destroy you
Looking through the elementary pictures, you think “Doctor”, “Nurse”, or “a rich man”
But in the end, some just become a past memory
To what could’ve been, to what should’ve happened
That’s the worst feeling of them all
Thanks to your downfall
Many teens growing up, experience drug abuse
Whether it’s forced or voluntary
They all end up in the same resolution
Jail, expelled or worse
Wasting their lives on this addictive curse
I’m not saying its society’s fault
But like they say “a rotten apple contaminates the rest”
Well, it has been proven loud and clear
And personally it think it’s an issue that should have all ears
That we might fight for those who don’t want to be saved
And prevent this plague from spreading
Ruining many teens lives, due to their longing for home
For someone who might understand what it feels like to be alone.
This issue, I believe is urgent
For drugs can’t be seen as the answer
Since they’re little we teach them to say “NO”
But what does that matter when your whole life revolves around “them”?
Meaning that “them” are their older brothers, friends, cousins, or siblings
That have already fallen and are reeling them in,
To not feel like the black sheep of the family, to impress their friends
In the end, it’s a vicious cycle that never seems to end
Getting worse and worse with each passing day
This issue is important to all of us because nobody wants to see our teens fall
To see them not become the great people that they’re meant to be
But instead, end up roaming the streets
No, this isn’t what we should be known for
More should be done, for these young ones
For all they want is someone to care for them
To show them that there’s people who care and should not be ashamed
To stand up to what’s newly “introduced”
To show that they have a brain and will not be seduced
By what their “friends” might say is good for them
And maybe one day, grow up to be a proud parent
Of their child who goes to their past schools
And is succeeding along with the rest of their youth
Doing what they love and living in a drug- free zone.
I believe that with perseverance anything can be accomplished,
My school is not bad, but like every school
Has its imperfections that can be fixed.