I’m slipping
You see, some days I wake
Not fully realizing the opportunity I have to cease the day
And instead of treasuring such beauty
I become distracted by the essence of myself
Unconsciously clinging to this godly nature
As if I am all too deserving of it’s company
You see, I am slipping
On page after page of black and white lies
Stuck like glue to those cold famous eyes
As I ignore the true inspiration that lies before me
Finding new ways to make someone else adore me
Never fully satisfied
Seeking love from the outside in
Im doomed to never win
Im oblivious to him that has been with me all along
Not once do I stop to smell the roses He grew from concrete because he knew Id enjoy the metaphor
He gave me faith the size of a sunflower seed because he knew I hated mustard
He etched beautiful stories in my skin and refused to call them scars
He walked with me, Talked with me
Cried for me
He loved me so much
He gave his son to die for me
And in return?
I slipped
I tripped
Over cosmopolitan manuscripts
Stumbled, over misconceptions
Conceiving, if but for a second
That my success was all because of me
Attempting to take credit for my own destiny
Unaware that there was something so much greater than me
We learn from history
That we’ve learned nothing from history
And as I become of this world
My story is becoming amystery
I’m osing sight of my testimony
Because Im afraid of being the only one
But startimg now
Im gonna love the life that I was meant to live
Be the story I was meant to give
So that maybe
I can save someone else
From slipping