Sink Me
I get it
No really, I get it, I swear
It’s fun to let go and drink away all your cares
I can’t say I haven’t -
I’ve been there, done that
Poured, slammed, chased, and laughed
It’s all fun and games ‘til your vision goes black
It’s all fun and games, until the next mornin’,
Suddenly you’re regretting consuming all that poison,
Questioning the validity of all your choices,
Hoping you didn’t do what you know you should’ve avoided
There’s a certain kind of helplessness
In not remembering a thing
Like, wait – I did that?
Man, I’m sorry, that wasn’t me!
It was the alcohol talking and fueling that fire
Three, four, five shots until I got higher
My demons came out
After 6 they got wild
Now I stare at my clothes as they sit in a pile
Wondering when I grew up
Stopped being a child
Wondering who I’ve become
On my face, where’s that smile?
It wasn’t there before,
But it’s still not there now
Demon you tricked me
Demon you slipped me
A temporary high that’s done nothing but
Hey Demon
What are you gonna do
When I won’t lift that cup
I won’t take a shot
I won’t bottoms up
I won’t drink – I’ll just stop.
“I don’t drink”
“You don’t drink?”
“I don’t drink, is something wrong?”
“Nah, man. Good for you. I wish I was that strong.”