She's a Beautiful Soul
She's a beautiful soul
And yet she does not know
How beautiful she is and how far she can go
She's so brilliant, she shines brighter than any star
Her smile is so rare it's like a precious gem buried miles below
She's quick-witted and kind and has so much to live for
So, why doesn't she want to live anymore?
This society based on possessions and perfectness
It drags her down and makes her forgot
All she has to live for and all she can do
She's so remarkable but the world tells her no.
She forgets just how beautiful of a soul she has
And how crucial and precious her life really is
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Why do we let other peoples thoughts and wants superceed our own?
She should feel beautiful and perfect just the way she is.
She should know love and kind words
Not hate and harsh slurs.
We should teach eachother how beautiful we really are
Not pick eachother apart because of every flaw.
She's a beautiful soul
And yet she does not know.
People brought her down to her lowest of lows
They ridiculed her and made her relive every flaw
The fluff on her stomach, the jiggle of her thighs, the pimple on her nose
She hated herself and everyone around her
She thought she had no one to care and no one to see
Just how wrong things were and how close to the edge she was
She finally had had enough and she took all those pills
Then her life slipped away and the beautiful soul was gone
Her mother found her passed out on the floor
She screamed "My baby girl!" and held her close
Her father rushed into the room and dropped to his knees
At the sight of his little girls body, pale and cold.
They called the EMS they did what they could do,
But in the end, it was the end of a life short lived
The service was large, filled with her classmates and friends
The people that pushed her to the edge of her life
And who eventually made her take the final step
Now she lies in the grave
Cold and dead
She'll never see the light or feel a soft breeze
She could have lived a long and prosporous life
But instead she was pushed too far
And she left too soon.
She was a beautiful soul
And yet she did not know
How beautiful she was and how far she could have gone.
She was brilliant, and shined brighter than any star
Now, her smile is so rare it's only in pictures
A ghost of what she used to be
A ghost of the future she could have had.
Now the world will never now
How beautiful of a soul she really was.