The Sea
To Fear,
Born side by side, but it takes a life of its own.
How can you be so cruel, and play your host like a fool?
You see the damage you cause, and yet never put a pause on the over-thinking, the inevitable sinking.
A simple childhood nightmare turns into teenage angst, manifesting into adulthood despair.
I want to see change, how many more lives have to be slain?
Or have to submerge, from giving into an urge?
I want to live in a world where my
nieces won't have fear of being afraid, where it can't pull them under into the long slumber.
I don’t want us to fear, looking over my shoulder constantly threatened by what's near.
I want to live in peace,
I want to be able to say "hey niece, you can go play, you can go sit out in the sun all day, you don’t have to be afraid.."
"you can walk down the block and get you a jumbo freeze pop" and wear pretty yellow tank tops, lips cherry red and raspberry blue from the treat, sitting on the beach, that's where I want to meet.
I don’t want to worry about if it'll get you or if it'll get me, I don't want us to drown in the sea
of water, that will end our lives; parents out of daughters.
Parents out of sons because they had the nerve to run.
"The light of my life is gone." That makes life living dim,
the population minus one, because we weren't able to swim.
Sincerely, Shacara A