School, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
School, eat, sleep, repeat
“Mommy, can I go and play with Jenna?”
“No, you must study and never cheat.”
School, eat, sleep, repeat
“Mother, can I have a cookie?”
“No, whole grains are what you need and wheat.”
School, eat, sleep, repeat
“Mom, can I go to the movies?”
“No, off to bed. Good rest is the real treat.”
Why is mom so strict?
How can I have a normal life when I am in the house all the time?
I know she wants the best for me, but man am I ticked!
That’s it, no more!
Down the tree I climb,
My life should not be chore
I want to be as spontaneous as an enzyme!
With the coast clear, I plop right down on the fresh dirt,
There goes my pen, engaged in turbulent flight,
I am no longer numb, but intensely alert,
School, eat, sleep, WRITE….