School is AWESOME!
Summer time is now over,
I’ve got to say goodbye to my dog Rover,
I kick, I scream, I cry,
My mom just asked me why,
Why do you have to be like this?,
Then she gives me a hug and a kiss.
She says I have to go there to get smart,
But I feel like I have to fart.
She pushes me out of the house,
Like a teeny tiny mouse,
I feel a kick and a punch,
When my mom yells “ Don’t forget your lunch”
I am walking down a busy street,
I ran into my teacher Mrs. Feet,
She asked me if I am excited,
and I wonder if I can hide it,
I don’t want her to know that I don’t like school,
She probably thinks I am a fool,
Maybe I will like school tomorrow,
When I’m over my lost summer sorrow.
I see the school from far away
I see the children laugh and play
I smell the popcorn with butter in the air,
Is there a circus anywhere?
I see a girl running by with cotton candy in her hand
and in the background I can hear a band
Did I get lost, is this not school?
Maybe it is not so bad, maybe it’s cool.
Here comes my friend Marty,
He tells me the teachers are having a party.
We stand in line to get some punch,
Standing in front of me is Captain Crunch.
Suddenly he screams “Super Sundae Supreme”!
And I think to myself, am I in a dream?,
I look up, and I know why,
A lunch lady was passing out Super Sundae Supreme pies,
“Gulp,Gulp,Slush,slush”, Oh dear,
Captain Crunch made the whole pie disappear!
He shoved the whole thing in his face,
He is such a big disgrace.
The lunch lady said have no fear,
I have another one right hear.
The lunch lady was a super hero for me today.
I can’t wait for another day!
I think I was wrong after all,
School is fun I had a ball.
I got home I saw my dog Rover,
He asked me when he rolled over,
“Did you have a good time today?”
I said yes I can’t wait for school tomorrow,
Because school is AWESOME!