On my body there are scars
Ugly, hideous scars
These scars feel detached
As if they are not mine
But are simply leeches
Unwilling to let go
On my body there are scars
Noticeable, undeniable scars
My scars do not see the light of day
They stay hidden away
Longing for the day
The day that my eyes and heart do not see scars
But see strength
No light, only darkness
No one must know of my scars
On my body there are scars
Hurtful, painstaking scars
Because before they were scars
There was blood and bruises
Medication and injections
Numbing and lasers
Sadness and tears
But sometimes God
Our Body
Whoever, does not want us to forget what we went through
And leaves us with scars
On my body there are scars
Barrier, life-changing scars
With these scars I am a different me than I could be
Is it for the better?
I am more timid, self-conscious, and sad
There is no parties, boyfriends, or dances
I hid
Behind scarves, t-shirts, and sweatshirts
On my body there are scars
Scars that I wish I would see differently
Scars that represent what I went through
And how far I have come
They show my desire to live and be healthy
How my body healed itself after all the terror
On my body there are scars
And for now
Only I know what they mean