Respects to the Hidden Gods
There is no male nor female in our gods.
Well, most of them, that is, for some prefer
To choose one or the other, and in their
Godliness, who could refuse their choice?
The head, a paragon of Balance, slow
And quick, both, a benefactor of both
Good and evil, right and wrong, a tome of
Histories stretching back across countless
Battles won and lost, both sides suffering
And thriving all the time. Their hair, long now,
Short then, a mullet in the 80s, changed
With ev’ry change in who they backed. Their eyes,
All argue on the color, but they’re set
In such a way that one can never tell
Where one stands in their sight, which can, on need,
Destroy a threat to balance, throughout time
Some think their vision may have blurred, but I
Believe they simply lost their fabled love
Of Justice. She, (she always does insist)
Has care for Balance, but they say she’s lost
Her scales (don’t let her hear you say it – or do,
Perhaps she’ll start to listen again. Perhaps
She only lost her phone and doesn’t hear
Our cries) and doesn’t take much action now.
The two were rumored to have had a love
Affair in France, but no one talks about
That anymore but Gossip. Their lips must
Power their brain, as they only find the
Truth behind their words after they have
Uttered them. Truth, however, stays up high;
Their words fall down faintly, and Gossip’s loud
Chatter from down low outnumber and drown
Them (Truth never did learn how to use a
Twitter account). And soon, it’s said, Truth will
Slip into sleep so deep they may never
Return. But now, let’s turn to happier
Gods: Laughter, their ringing sounds may be heard
Even in the depths of despair. Humans
Seem to call on them even more often
In those times, it seems, and what with newer,
Faster communication, we may share
Their joys with each other. A simple “Yeet,”
Can have us taking part in their endless
Joys. And small Peace, her frailty is often
Noted, but she hides in the in-betweens:
A hot cup, a warm blanket, a serene
Scene, all take a piece of her. Maybe soon
She’ll find a little strength and move towards
Loftier goals, but maybe that’s against her
Nature. Another point for us to fight
About some other time. To list all of
These Gods would take a lifetime, even more
If one includes their stories, all their loves,
Their battles, tricks, and sorrows all seem to
Merge together and morph into something
No one can understand. No human, least.
Th’important point to notice is the all-
Surrounding quality of these, our Gods.
For any fleeting feeling, or those long-
Sustained, by one event or many, or
By images still, by states of being
Or wants or needs, there lies some God’s hand long
At work, doing nature’s necessary
Deeds. And as all know, if you pay them heed,
Acknowledge their hand and show them respect,
They may turn a blind eye, as is their right,
But they may also show you some as well.