Reasons Why I Write
I write to express myself, to take things off my mind.
To pour my heart out in a story, to lay back and unwind.
To get away from reality, take part in something more.
Write about something unique, so no one will get bored.
Invest myself wholeheartedly, in something I enjoy.
Convince the world I can create, and not just destroy.
Develop something awesome, something people will adore.
Leave my readers guessing, have them begging on the floor.
Say things in my writing, I could never say out loud.
Share some of my work, and become part of the crowd.
Be my own person, originality is key.
Pull straight from the heart, this is real and this is me.
All my subscribers backing me up,
Giving me the support I need, sending me good luck.
Compliments are amazing, I smile every time.
They make me want to work harder, create something sublime.
Go through all types of genes, fiction and poetry.
Finding out what's right for me, is it a writer I shall be.
I adore the world, and excitement of writing.
An atmosphere so amazing, bright and inviting.
A world of wonder I love to explore,
A world of imagination, something you can't ignore.
I write because I love it, plain and simple as that.
It is a passion I've had for a while, a talent that will never go flat.