The Power of Poetry
So far, I've decided there's nothing quite like poetry
It has a special power that makes you believe.
In a single poem, you can feel more emotion than you've ever felt
All the love and tragedy will make your heart melt
But it will also make you soar
See, poetry makes you feel as you never have before
The power of poetry,
The power of words
It lets you see
A million worlds
It's a power beyond any thought
Is it magical? Or maybe not?
It's a power superheroes only wish they could possess
When we have a world without poems,
We have a world that is powerless
A world filled with curiosity or doubt
But never knowing what they live without
Not knowing about the true magic of writing
The beauty of literature
They can't escape the fighting
Or be slightly immature
They don't know what it's like to live in a fantasy town
And never understood how to let their guard down
With poetry and lyrics we can live a million lives
We can cry a thousand times
People tell you that it's just words on a page
That it's just a game
But the way it makes you feel
Makes you positive that this is real
In a different reality maybe,
Or just inside your head
But sometimes it's nice to have somewhere to go instead
Some place to get away from this ordinary Earth
Where, with every page, is a new birth
Of emotions and feelings
It's a place that's open with no floors or ceilings
Your heart isn't walled in anymore
You don't feel afraid to say what you stand for
In poems I find what it means to be me
I have finally found the power of poetry