Poetry Is...
A Pen and some paper,
This is all that I need,
To express the various emotions pent up inside of me.
I let these words that I write flow so freely,
From my heart to the ball of my pen,
As I let my words do the speaking.
Poetry is my source of happiness-
I laugh, I smile, & feel bliss.
My joy is evident
In the way that I write;
I talk about the great things in my life
And reflect on situations that tend to produce my smile
When I talk to and thank God that I am alive
Or To feel the very love that some feel is hard to find.
Or the simple fact that I am able to voice the thoughts that cloud my mind
From time to time,
Happy because I'm able to convey any message through these lyrical rhymes.
Poetry is my outlet-
This is how I vent.
I scream, I shout, & I cry,
For those elementary schools kids in Connecticut,
Who have lost their lives,
Because of a gun in the hands of 1 man, who later committed suicide.
I cry out for little Allison, Noah, Caroline, and others who didn't survive
These terrifying cases of this elementary school homicide.
I scream and shout through my poetry.
I let out all of my anger
Because of the constant crime in the world that happens on the regular.
I turn on the news and hear that a young black male wearing a black hoodie was shot by a white stranger,
Because apparently the color of his skin and the clothes he was wearing served to be a great danger.
So my pen and my paper,
Is all that I need,
When I sit down and write the words that flow so freely .
So poetry is my passion, my outlet, and my source of happiness
In which I let my words do all of the speaking.
All in all, poetry is my everything.