Wake up to the sun rise
Ready for any surprise
I look into the mirror
And the shame reaches my eyes
People say the mirrors lie
Not showing what’s inside
But when i see myself there
I can only stand and stare
Am I really beautiful?
Like my beloveds tell me so?
The hair everywhere,
Blemishes dotting my skin
The paleness of my cheek
And the crooked of my smile.
Am I really beautiful?
The endless flaws compile.
The lists continue as I check them off
Yes. This and that are not in style.
Am I really beautiful?
Compared to the perfect women in the pictures.
To the ones who smile at all the boys and wave to every stranger.
Inside I don't see it, Their superficial beautiful.
I think I am beautiful, but I can never be sure.
To think is to be.
Therefore, I am.