The Phoenix
The Phoenix
Where are you?
Did you leave me?
You promised that you would never do that,
But I guess that you have.
Why would you do that?
I trusted you,
And you betrayed me.
I am lost without you.
And now I feel cold and empty inside,
Like Demeter without Persephone.
You left me.
You, of all people.
You were an anchor, you kept me sane.
But now you are gone.
I thought I saw you the other day while I was walking across the street.
You, and your iridescent blue eyes,
The color of a peacocks’ feathers
But it wasn’t you.
Did you know that I cry?
I cry, like Hercules did
After he killed his family.
And that is what you did –
You killed me
And my spirit.
You taught me a valuable lesson, but in the most
But now I am finished.
You have taken enough from me.
I will be a phoenix,
Rising from the ashes.
I will not be a coward
Like you were.
I will stay, and I will fight.
Like Ares did for Aphrodite.
The thought of you makes me sick.
You pretended to be someone you were not
And I fell for it.
That will never happen again.
I promise you that.
I will build walls around my heart
As tall as the Great Wall of China.
Nobody will be allowed in.
Do you know what?
I refuse to be weak.
I refuse to be fragile.
I refuse to let your absence destroy me.
The sun greeted me this morning
Its rays resting on my face
And for the first time in a long time,
I felt at peace,
Like everything was going to be ok.
And now I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And nothing will stop me from reaching it.