By Sam Martinez
Do I exist?
Well I do exist
Maybe you just don’t understand what it means to be queer
because You continue to break me down because
I am not my sex
I am not three lettered pronoun that is put upon me
I am not the name that I was born with
I am not in the wrong bathroom
I am not straight
It is not just a phase
The emotions are real if you chose to listen
Dysphoria has already consumed me put me into this box
You put me here
Society has put me here
So welcome to society where everything is painted black and white
You are welcome to stay
to be yourself as long as it's our way
Love whoever you want as long as you aren't gay
So you're straight well that is great
If you're a boy who cries you must be gay
If you're a girl who plays with boys you must be gay
I support the lgbtq community but you're not welcome here because i don't want my kids to turn gay
I don't care what the gender of my baby is until they grow up and chose to change their name
You can't play with dolls because your a boy
You can't play with trucks because you're a girl
Boys can't have long hair
Girls can't have short hair
So welcome to society where you can be who you want to be as long as you follow the norms of society
Oh wait look you’re just in a box like me because there's society Telling us who to be so we can succeed
Because you are Putting labels upon us we haven't put on ourselves
But forever remove my labels because i am never going to be who you want me to be
I my own person society
i can put labels on myself and i can take them off
So who am I ?
I am male
I am proud to say that's my gender
I am gay
I am proud to say that's my sexuality
I am in the right bathroom
I am proud that I can even walk into to the males bathroom
but I may walk into the girls bathroom cause I'm scared of the people who choose to treat me like i am less of a man
I am also guy who likes to wear skirts
But I haven't worn one since i was told how can you wear that and still be transgender
But me wearing skirts doesn't make me gay or a female again
it just means I'm a guy who likes to wear skirts
but I'm scared to because of what you have to say
Society look from a queers perspective
Clothes are not gender based wear whatever you want,
don't be rude to someone who is just trying to pee because they aren't what you see a female or male to be,
anyone can wear makeup because it is a one size fits all
I don't want to feel scared anymore I want to be heard and understood so society look
I'm pretty damn queer but i'm not someone to back down
I also want to thank you society for letting me be the badass activist that I am because of your corrupt views
At some point look look from a different perspective
A queer perspective