The Perilous Fight
What do you see?
Do you see what I see?
A land constantly in struggle between freedom and equality?
O say can you see the anger in people's eyes,
Hear the pain in people's cries,
Tell the difference between people's truths and lies?
I see everything and nothing for I am limited to what is around me and where I choose to venture.
However, I feel everything and nothing for I am exposed to what is around me and where I choose to venture.
Discussion is the issue,
Listening is the solution,
Action is the agent to the resolution...
But while the issue is debated, the solution is diluted and the resolution is unable to affect the Constitution for which we stand for.
Despite this...
Through the perilous fight, I shall stand.
Through the perilous fight, I shall become the man.
Through the perilous fight, I shall continue to believe in what I can do.
And what I can do will change the world.