Pay Close Attention
Pay no attention,
To the girl behind the curtain.
She's got nothing to say.
Her voice is not important.
Pay no attention,
To her weakened state.
She just wants to be noticed,
But her mind is off in space.
Pay no attention,
To the life she is living.
It's her problem, not ours.
There's no point in caring.
Pay no attention,
To the tears on her face.
She can't change a thing,
It's set in her fate.
Pay close attention,
To the girl behind the curtain.
I've got something to say,
And it's something important.
Pay close attention,
To my mental state.
I am growing stronger,
I came back from space.
Pay close attention,
To the life I'm living.
It's my life not yours,
You have no cause to judge me.
Pay close attention,
to the triumph on my face.
I'm changing things,
And I'm choosing my fate.