Past Lessons
You put the dirt on me
I was silky and clean
Innocent and Naïve
I thought this was something I wanted
But now that I think of it
I only wanted your attention
It could’ve been given to me through speech
You could’ve attended to me through your presence
We could’ve been playing something as simple as Hide N Seek
But instead you choose to depreciate me
Lessen me to nothing more than my flesh
You thought this would make you the man you see on a screen
Well tell me, Do you feel Manly?
How many more do you think you need until you become this title
You so vaguely seek?
Now that I think of it(think think think)
Its not just you, Its also me...
I should’ve never went through you, to find the definition of me
Now I sit waiting unpatiently, hoping that I get my monthly
Now Im in the Planned Parenthood with my school backpack
Feeling Embarassed as a look at the other girls who are just like me
Scared, Confused. Not ready to become an adult
Feeling that my body has been used.
The clerk mistreats me
I feel that I have been conquered; defeated.
Just as soon as I go into the bathroom
For my pee test
My Aunt Flo comes to see me..
Question:Have I learned my lesson?
I I greet it...!!