Paper and pen
What is this pain, a growling monster deep within?
It bites and screams, making my vision spin
It yearns the light of day, it longs release
The more it fights, the less my stomach feels at ease
I'll take my pen, some paper, and my soul
I'll force the tears to bleed- And all
My essence will be splattered on the page
The creature is asleep, forgot its rage
My heart is but some lines and loopy curves
Is this the sloppy treatment it deserves?
The words are wrong, too empty and untrue
I crumble, murder them, and start anew
It is a battle I am condemned to lose
But it's a fight I giving up refuse
As long as may the beast unfold its breath
There will be heavy passion in my chest
If only one must lay his eyes upon my brief
And understand the twisted truth, the grief
That true connection, before the moment flees
Will justly set the two lone hearts at peace