Own it
You have always rejected yourself
When looking in the mirror
You couldn’t help the feeling of shame
For how long you have been feeling like that, who knows
Hiding your body under baggy clothes
Ashamed and worried that others will notice
When actually, no one gives a fuck
Somehow one day you decided you had enough
It was time to face your problem
No more hiding, no more ignoring
Take a deep breath because this is not going to be easy
Your body is deformed
and you have already accepted it
Now it’s time to own it
So you buy a swimsuit,
And you call a friend,
And you go to the pool for the first time in ten years
You have forgotten how good it feels to be in the water
You realized what you have been missing for so long
And now you don’t want your fears to be holding you back anymore
There is a new feeling in you
A foreign feeling of confidence that makes you feel strong
A strange sense of power that overshadows your insecurities
You have proved yourself things that you have doubted yourself in the past
And you like it, you like how things are going now