Our Story
We were oppressed for our heritage,
Not for who we were -
Because of our features:
Brown eyes as pensive as coffee grounds
Before being crushed and beaten,
And hair, as dark as the future
That swung warily before us,
We saw Fate closing its doors
We were distraught upon arrival
At the tangible smell of Death,
That hung in the air
As stagnantly as the potency
Of perfume
We were encumbered,
At the first glimpse of
Those showers, with the
Weight of all the corpses
That now lay mutely aside
We were kept - captives -
From one dawn until another dusk,
To be drilled on what a nuisance
Our abiding presence was
To the outside
We were limited
Inside that metal fencing,
As we died under the rushing forcefulness
Of gas
And hatred