In Our Defense
What am I to you?
A basket you had woven with your own two hands,
deemed unworthy and
spitefully cast aside,
Soon to be joined
by others of its kind?
Who am I to you?
A soldier of your noble crusade
willing to sacrifice
time, money
to feed your children
so they may live to join me in ranks?
What do I know of Love?
Love has no meaning now.
Naked beings intertwined;
My love is
My love is unlike your love,
So my love,
is dying.
Are Dead.
I am
A sculpture,
carved by the wind,
made of the clay of
him, her, they,
but mostly
I am
A soldier of words,
Trained for no boundaries.
An eager explorer
ready to sail, soar, freefall,
To teach
The taste of freedom.
I know nothing of love.
Therefore, I know everything of love.
I worship its abundance,
its forms beyond my mind's measure.
Love is omnipotent.
My love is your love,
and our love