Only With a Miracle
6am alarm goes off
Get up, get dressed, eat breakfast.
Into work by 7
Always the first one in
Unlock the office get ready to start the day
The rest of the staff start trickling in,
Morning meeting, go over plans for the day,
Then we get started.
Start on mixing, heat up the oven.
Finish decorating the cakes in the fridge.
Out of the oven onto the rack
Then we start the next batch.
Turn on the registers and coffee machines
Quick! It’s after 8!
Post the signs announcing sales
Finish decorating todays cakes
Once its done bring it to the front
Start to fill up the display case
Here we go, open the doors
9am time for customers to come in.
Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, cake,
Eclairs, banana bread, all their favorite treats.
The smell wafts down the block
Drawing all of them in
Out front constantly selling
In the back constantly baking
Keep adding detailed decorating
All day long that’s what I do
My ears hear the constant noise
My nose senses all the smells
Ahh the sounds and scents of a bakery
From morning till night
Open from 9am till 9pm
We get in at 7am, then leave around 11pm
Long days but it’s worth it.
It’s a lot of work owning your own bakery
It took me years to get here,
I thought this day would never come.
I have been working my whole life to get here
Working toward my degree, working to save,
Now working at MY own business.
I’ve worked so hard.
I have a bachelor’s degree in business and marketing
All the math classes, I had to suffer through.
All the money I spent.
So much money it makes my stomach hurt.
It costs around $216,000 for four years at Hofstra University
I have over $100,000 in student loans.
I couldn’t afford any more loans.
But then I got my miracle
The lottery, can you believe it?
My grandma finally won
She split it up between the family
Enough so everyone could pay for school
Then everyone in my family gave me some of their share.
My family without them I wouldn’t be here.
I would probably be working in a cubicle somewhere
Thanks to them my loans were paid off
Plus a little extra for a down payment on a building
The building where my bakery now resides.
That’s my dream.
My secret wish.
I don’t think I’ll ever get there though
It would truly take a miracle.