One world, one future, one job
My future
In my mind, my future is filled with success
In my mind, my future is not filled with disappointment
But, that is simply impossible
The future is unpredictable
My future is filled with what I picture my life turning out to be
My hopes, my dreams
My dreams of opening my own performing arts studio
My dreams of performing on Broadway, where I belong
Well, where I think I belong
But again, the future is unpredictable
One job, one future
One job to change the world
One chance to make a difference
What to choose?
It's a big world, with too many problems
How do I know what to change?
How do I know what difference to make?
The world is a funny place
Destruction, yet wealth
Hatred, yet love
One job to change the world?
I'm 17 years old
I don't even know what the world is
If I could,
I would change everything
A world with no hatred
A world with no destruction