One Job May Change My Life
We're all born the same, but we're all not brought up the same.
We're all here, yet our only purpose isn't to exist... it's to co-exist.
Let's gravitate towards each other, with a helping hand extended.
"When I grow up..." is something I still think about.
Have I grown up? Is this what I am? Do I define myself like this?
Who do I want to be? I want to be a visionary, I want to be a humanitarian.
I want to take the lessons I learn daily, and build them to form walls.
Strong walls like concrete. Walls that don't break down.
I do admit, unlike my envisoned walls, I do break down.
I break down more that I would like to, but isn't that human nature?
One job may change my life, but what is it?
I want to help my peers, my neighbors build their walls and rise from the darkness.
I want to teach my acquaintances how easy it is to cope, how easy it is to believe.
I want to love my surroundings, and be educated in an art that allows me to do so.
I don't want to be counselor or a psychologist, just for the credentials by my name.
I want to become a service worker, making art out of someone who doesn't see the materpiece within their own frame.