One Job could change the Fate of our Planet.
Don’t go to law school.
Lawyers have the highest rate of alcoholism.
You’re going to have so much debt.
Why on earth would you want to be a lawyer?
Because we have to make more food in the next ten years than we have in the rest of human history combined.
Because our population is taking a toll on the environment.
Because environmental impact is equal to population times affluence times technology-and all of these things are rising.
Because at this rate all the coral reefs will be gone within fifty years.
Because I am a vegetarian who does not drive, recycles and lives in a one bedroom apartment. I am conscious of every light switch I flip on and every faucet I open and it would still take 4.1 Earths to support my lifestyle for all 7 billion people on earth.
I want become an environmental lawyer in order to protect humanity from itself.
I want to keep the trees green and the oceans blue.
I do not want the fourth mass extinction to occur.
I do not want the only time my children see a polar bear to be in old photographs.
I want people to understand how each and every one of us impacts this planet.
I want to motivate people to stand up for the only planet we have.
Seven years of schooling.
$200,000 in debt.
Long hours.
Slow progress.
Will all be worth it if I can help protect our planet.