ode to tyler

galaxies swim through the minds of those who listen to the skies

as they cry at midnight

only the strongest cry at midnight

i cry at midnight

when I cry at midnight

i cry for those who let me live

i cry for you and I and whatever we will never become

i cry for the boy who kissed my hand in kindergarten

i cry for myself in states of pitiful defenselessness

i cry for us and our near kisses at the football game

that was before though

before you




before I started thinking as death as a hug rather than a stab

before I listened to the anxious voices in my head

before I voiced my concerns and my mother brushed it off as "just nervous"

of course im just nervous



before I was confident

before I was proud

before I was alive

before before before before

i want to go back

i want to go back to when I sat in pale pink bedrooms

and asked a parents permission

i want to go back

before I have to go forward

into this millisecond present and infinite future

where I have to lie to my parents

and sneak out at one a.m. to be able to do anything or exist at all

i want to go back


i cry



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