An Ode to my Laptop
We all have a story
Adventures to tell
Memories of old conversations held
Those who are quiet have a different tale to tell
Usually right there with them is their security blanket
A crutch
Something to hide them from any interaction with people
My social crutch
It's my laptop
I've taken it everywhere
The first time I got high
I brought it
Our drive was 5 minutes but I brought that dear old thing with me
Bright blue in the smoke
The first time I drank
It was there on the table
No reason for it to be there
I once brought it somewhere and it was needed by another person
I let it go within arms reach
I watched that man
He was nice
Drove me to my dorm
He ground the weed on my laptop
It's ok I smelled it later
I have used it as a table when I go on car trips
Set my food right on top so it doesn't fall
Those are the good stories
Now I've dropped it
The first time I fell asleep with it on my lap
I rolled and it fell
The screen was cracked but I could still see
There was character in my friend now
The second time I dropped it
That screen was gone
Don't worry I fixed it
After crying
Though the time it was gone I was lonely
Away from home at college
I didn't sleep
Once it was fixed I took care of it even more
Every time I come home my sister wants to play
I don't like it but I let her
Within arms reach
I hid it under the couch at home
I stopped because it was getting scratched
I needed stickers
I got some
Now it has permanent memories and some beauty marks
If you've caught my drift
It's been here for me
More than most people have