Observations to stoke a fire
Trash meets my eye through my screen
Someday it will join that pile of trash;
People scream lies through their teeth
And walk on the heads of their competitors;
Honks from cars behind me to go faster
Yet I'm already going over the speed limit
People always in a rush;
Strength is forged in necessity
So why do we lessen necessity and worship the ridiculously unecessary?
It all ends up in a dump anyway
To cut children who need the money
Who use their resources well;
One man's trash is another man's treasure
But there is too much trash to treasure unless every man becomes a hoarder;
Media focuses on the wrong things
Why does it focus on carbon dioxide when there are island communities turned into dumps because it is cheap and they can't fight back?
Illness is rampant in an overpopulated place
And people who don't undersand the devastation of disease live in fear of their savior;
Doctors treat patients with pills and needles
Who cares about the side effects?
The cause is still there, creeping under the skin, crawling through the brain;
Uneducated people living off of false information
Ignorant to the world around;
Books warn against arrogance
Everyone wants to be happy;
Desires to fix the world fan a flame
Treat the patient not the symptoms