O, Let it Be
O I swear to you I was never like this
So cock-a-hoop and loopy-lou;
The lady who smiles to herself knowingly.
This isn't who I was
But oh how I loved to be
Dosed up, drugged up
In love with nobody but you.
Let it always be, just you.
Never have I seen a creature as beautiful as you
With the wind through your hair
And the galaxies in your eyes.
A mere smile of yours has enough power
To fill my little heart up with gasoline
And set it alight and explode
Into a thousand and one white carnations.
I find myself whispering your name
As if it were my only prayer
Repeating, repeating sans cesse, in hopes that
You'll always be there for me.
Let it never be, just me.
For I was the girl who spat at 'love'
Bit it and choked on its repulsive sweetness
That so many before had fed to me on a silver platter.
'Get it away,' I would say
'And be gone with your mouthful of forevers.
There is no such thing as true loves
There are only of fools and liars'.
Yet here I am.
Let it not have made me into one of those, crazy girls.
You and I know the ones.
Whom speak of love as if it were made from
Crystal Glass
Which would shatter if He would
Declares it to be
Let it not be, for us.
O but here I am, and I swear to you
I look for you in everyone I meet.
Look, look at the girl who talks
Of sweet, sweet love and forevers.
Seeing nothing but He.
He, who has promised her
The wedding, the honeymoon and the cottage by the sea.
O, let it be us.