The Novel of Me
Pages, pages,pages
The beginning of a lifetime love,
New friends, old faces, new villains, old adversaries.
Pages, pages, pages
Chapters, chapter,chapters
Learning compassion, empathy, ideals.
New realms, worlds, dimensions, escapes.
Time away from my constant reality.
Chapters,chapters, chapters
Words, words, words
Inspiring statements and characters.
New lessons, viewpoints, insights, emotions.
Fictional therapists to assist in my real time of need.
Words, words, words
Quotes, quotes, quotes
Unreal boyfriends, sidekicks, haters and enemies.
New eras, stories, loves, allies
Joining the band of loyal book nerds.
Quotes, quotes, quotes
Endings, endings, endings
Tiny moment of solitude over.
New memories, disbelief, anguish, sorrow
On to the next paper world of adventure.
Endings, endings, endings