Not So Intelligent
The word “smart” is a curse word.
And like all other curse words it has synonyms.
All of them slurs
But why?
The best grades, the best jobs, the most money
All given to the smartest, the brightest, the best –
So why?
Is that a crime?
Straight A’s on tests is nothing but a big red sign that says “I tried.”
Trying is weakness
Caring is weakness
Intelligence is weakness
Since when?
America was not founded on stupidity, yet that’s what we have embraced.
The generation Y, the generation Z
All succumbing to the pressures of being socially cool
And culturally stupid.
We’ve condemned the try-hards, the brainiacs, the nerds, the geeks and the know-it-alls to doubt themselves, to doubt their abilities and to doubt their worth.
From children to teens and teens to the grave,
We are told intelligence is key
And yet, the biggest felony
For it is society that makes that all okay
To settle for the C, to settle for minimum wage, to not push one-self.
That is the norm
That is accepted
Is trying weakness
Is caring weakness
Is intelligence WEAKNESS?
The generation Y, the Generation Z
Suffering underneath stupidity
Is not so intelligent.