"Not always what they seem"
You may know some one for your entire life
you can know their habbits,
& you know how to deal with them
in time their time of strife
You may even go to bat for them a million times
you don't like mixing money & friends,
but for this one you'll give your last dime
You can always tell when that individual in lying
You help when they are in the wrong,
more so making excuses for them,
when in reality your just denying
the person they really are inside,
and thought that they were hidding
but eventually the true selves come out,
and the good in them starts reciting
the same old song, U know I could never do you wrong,
I know u been here for me all allong...
I never want to not know u, you been here,
and in my life you belong..
but after betrayal, after the trust is broke,
when they can't look you straight in the eye,
because you have realized they are not really a stand up kinda guy...
When the love in their eyes no longer shines nor gleams
Your faced with the reality that things are not always what they seem...