No Longer
A long time had
Now a long time gone
Makes one so sad
But I must carry on
A once was then
Is a never was now
In the arms of a friend
Do I mourn a lost vow
What was mine to keep
Became theirs to dispose
Therefore, I weep
At the hands of my foes
A promised forever
Now a broken endeavor
A rise from the ashes
Born of fire and lashes
My house now a place
I no longer call home
No longer an embrace
Since the moment I’d grown
A sacred save haven
Becomes a dark prison
A disastrous cave in
Where light had once risen
A carefree pavilion
Of love and open arms
Now cast into oblivion
Full of deceitful trick charms
Where I was once received
I take pains to keep away
For what I once believed
Is now shattered in disarray
My body goes slack
Like a dreamer’s often does
And wish things back
To the way it once was.