My soul
My soul is unknown to the world
My soul is darker than the blackest sea
My soul is colder than the iciest place imaginable
WHY you may sigh is this the way life goes round
Well my soul went downhill because I lost interest in the world
my soul went downhill because I lost touch with myself
my soul went downhill because I lost touch with the natural world
My soul is now thawing from it's icy hibernation
My soul is now colorful like the laughing sunset
My soul is now known to the world as the one who has been to hell and back again
WHY you may sigh is life such a tricky rollercoaster
Well my soul is a rollercoaster because I chose the way of evil
my soul is a rollercoaster because I chose the way of life
my soul is a rollercoaster because I chose to allow nature to take over my soul,body,and mind
My soul I did not sell to the devil
My soul I kept for you
My soul I kept for love
WHY you may sigh is the reason love exists
Well my soul chose love because it is the closest thing to magic that humans have
my soul chose love because it is pure
my soul chose love because it is the one thing that I can hold onto forever